Sabtu, 24 Juli 2010


Maybe this is my last post on this blog. I'm sorry for stop posting on this blog, cause I'm getting bored to share about my daily LoveLife, it's unimportant.
Okay, I've created a new blog ->
Just enjoy to visit yha! Although that blog not finish yet hehe
Thx for visiting this blog. Thanks Oh So Much ♥


Selasa, 25 Mei 2010


Is this the 3rd story from APWG love story? Wow it must a long story, isn’t it? Haha. I feels this could be against CINTA FITRI story hhahaa :p
Oke, let’s begin!
Shorten story. Singkat cerita karena kelas 7, meskipun rasa sukaku (aku pikir aku hanya ‘mengagumi’ sosok MR. AD saat itu) jadi aku rasa gak ada yang perlu diceritain, jadi langsung aja loncat ke kelas 8. Tapi ada sesuatu yang menarik. Setiap ada parade band, MR. AD selalu ikut. Pasti. Haha.
Yup, kelas 8. Karena aku kelas C dan MR. AD kelas D, jadi KEBETULAN banget kelas kita sebelahan. Cuma dibatesin sama tembok. Itupun temboknya cuma triplek (penting?). awalnya emang kikuk banget sebelahan sama kelas D. karena kelas mereka itu sangat ribut dan ramai, beda banget sama kelas C yang adem ayem. Alias polos dan gak urakan. Haha. Yuk lanjut. Awal semester satu, karena aku sudah punya co baru namanya Andre, jd aku ga runguin si MR. AD. Baru pas semester 1 akhir, terjadilah momen yang ga akan aku lupakan..
Here it is. Kelas 8 semester 1. Aku inget tanggalnya. 7 November 2008, Andre & Me in a relationship (but I think that’s just a FAKE relationship rrr), yeah, tapi seminggu setelah jadian, dy minta putus (?) WTF! Yasudah aku bisa apaa???? Karena dia katanya masih cinta sama mantannya. Oh gituu haha iya aku terima deh putusnya dia. Karena udah males deh sm orang kayak dia, aku cari cowok lain. Awalnya ini cuma main-main aja hehe. MR. ATP, ganteng sih nggak ya (but honestly, dulu aku muja-muja dia banget haha), cuman buat cuci mata aja. Terus aku certain deh ke sahabatku, Okta, kalo aku sudah putus sama Andre dan sekarang pengen sm si MR. ATP. Yepp, langsung dia punya ide cemerlang! Jeng jeng jeng jeeeeeeng!! Dia nyuruh temen deketnya MR. ATP yang nyomblangin. Haha masih jaman yaa???? :p dan kebetulan banget, temen deketnya MR. ATP itu temen SDny Okta dan satu les sama Okta. Nah waktu les itu si Okta cerita deh sama ‘temen SD’nya itu. Dia cerita semuanyaaaaaa. Terus, ‘temen SD’nya itu langsung minta nomer hapeku (sumber dari Okta). Dan pas banget waktu itu anak-anak kelas 8 dapet tugas buat Blog. Katanya Okta, awalnya ‘temen SD’ny itu minta tolong ke dia buatin Blognya, tapi Okta nyuruh ‘temen SD’nya biar sekalian aja aku yang buatin Blognya (tai emang qe ta. Haha but thx anyway, kl gak ada qe gbkal aku kenal sama ‘temen SD’mu itu). Dan hari itu juga, wow HARI ITU JUGA, setelah Okta ngasi nomer hpku ke ‘temen SD’ny, ‘temen SD’nya langsung nelfon aku. Dan saat itulah baru aku tau kalo ‘temen SD’nya itu adalaaah…MR. AD.
A: “Halo?”
D: “Yeah? Siapa ya?”
A: “Masa gak kenal? Sombong skali kamu ya.”
D: “Siapa sih? To the point aja deh. Aku gatau.”
A: “A*e ni. Save ya. Hehe.”
D: “Oh A*e? Tau darimana nomku?”
A: “Iya, Okta yang kasi tau. Jadi sama ATP?”
D: “Haha. Jadiii !”
A: “Okeoke. Comblangin aku jg ya? Sama adekkmu, Jelita.”
D: “Yakin? Wakakak. Iyaya, gampang tuh.”
Dan percakapan ini berlangsung selama kurang lebih satu jam.
(Copied from posting ''MY SO BAD LOVE STORY'')
Nah terus, dari sana qta smsan, tentang hal-hal gak penting. Ohya, dia juga nyuruh aku buatin dia blog. Awalnya aku terpaksa kali :@ tp gak tega aku dia sampe mohon-mohon pake bayar gitu. Haha ya udah jadi aku buatin deh tu dia dengan setengah hati tanpa bayaran -______________-
Udah gitu, gak cuma sekali aku ditelfon sm dia, tp b-e-r-k-a-l-i-k-a-l-i! lalalalaaa seneng sih :D tapi rada terganggu soalnya dia nakal! Percakapannya gausa ditulis deh, kalian bisa baca di posting ‘My SO BAD Love Story’ :). Kalo lg smsan apalg, aduuuuuh, buang-buang pulsa aja tau gak?! Masa yang diomongin tuh tentang kamarmandi dirumah masing-masing :| ohyaa! Pernah suatu hari, dia sms Okta (karena smsnya nggak tak bls) dia ngajakin aku nntn konser! Isn’t it a date? Haha, tp tahukah kalian? Hari itu tuh (wkt dy ngjakin nntn) esokny tuh Ujian Sekolah! Gila aja orang tu -____- ya jelaslah aku nolaak (weiss sok gen aku nok :p) yaaa itu dah dy lgsg kecewaa :( tp dia ttep je sms aku pas itu tp ak mnjem hpny okta soalny lg gda plsa gtu deh :D lacurrr. Udah gitu kan, aku inget bgt pkoknya pas ujian sekolah hari kedua kyknya, aku di sms lg sm mantanku yg namanya Andre tu, remember? Nah dipaksa dah aku balikan sama dia lewat sms -__- yaudah aku mau dah balikan sama dia. Dia pake nawarin nyemput aku lagi ke sekolah pas itu, ewwww ga punya muka!!! Hari tu kyknya hari selasa malem, pas jadwalnya si Okta sama MR. AD les. Aku kan pasti cerita ke Okta ya kalo aku balikan sama Andre, trs Okta ni cerita lagi ke MR.AD kl aku balikan. Mih duegne okta puk (˘ ̨˘”) katanya Okta, sebengnya MR.AD langsung jeleeeeeeeeeeeeek banget. Aduhh :(( maaf ya sayang aku gak ada maksud T______________T terus darisana, aku langsung makin jauh sama MR.AD krn prhatianku cuma buat si bangsat Andre ni!!! Ga nyampe seminggu, uda putus aku sama dia kleng faaaak!! Dia pake nulis di status kyk gni pula “Awi, qta putus yuk. Aku udah bosen sama kamu.” See? Gimana tu gilanya? Ya udahlah aku pasrah. Uda gitu kan, baru dah aku inget sama si MR.AD hehe :D aku sms dia, gak dbls, nelfon gak brani --“ ohya dia juga pernah bilang mau main krmhku, tp gtau knp kok gak jadi ya? :/ kayaknya aku yang lupa minta konfirmasi. MR. AD bener* hilang , nggak ada yg bisa diceritain dong? Haha tenaang :) masih ada lanjutannya. Ini cerita bersambung oke? See ya :)

Full of Loves,

Minggu, 09 Mei 2010

''I CAN'T SLEEP!!!''

hello blogger.
huft , today 10th May 2010 , seharusnya saya sudah tidur jam sgni , d hp saya uda menunjukkan pukul 12.20 PM. Huaaah i'm getting nervous ! Takut jam 9 pagi!
Wish me luck yah. Ntr lagi, 8 jam lagi itu pengumuman TPA SMANSA.
doakan saya..
God bless me. Amien.


Rabu, 14 April 2010


Today, 15th April 2o1o.
MPWA's birthday. Yeah, he's 15 old now. Haha so old u are, baby.
Happy Birthday, my deer. Hope this year u can be a better person than before. Semoga gak tambah campah km. Wkwk.
I'm so sorry for my mistakes okay?
Got my message last night?
Haha I send it twice because in the first time I sent the message , it was pending (-_-').

Awi :)

Sabtu, 10 April 2010


hey, i want to share a fashion shoes to you. awww, they're so cuteeeee. CHECK THISSS



cheers, i want to share my last look at looklet,check this



I WANT TO BUY THIS. Alpha230 from Sony.
daddy, puhleeeaaasee *.* <3



hell-o blogger. akhirnya bisa internetan lagiiiiiyyyy. asik asik.
uda brp lama ya? seminggu? ah i don't care, yang penting skrg bisa curhat lagiiiii :)
okey, mulai darimana yah?
hmmm, selesai UN, kita cuma dapet waktu 9 hari buat nyiapin buat tes TPA (Tes Potensi Akademik). dan kalian boleh percaya boleh engga, soal TPA itu susahnya luar biasaaaaa. i wanna scream!!!!!! RAAAAWWWWRRRRRRRR!!
haha, but everybody tell the same with me. mereka setuju dan sama pendapat sama akyuuuu. susah deh pokoknya. tp hari ini TPA sudah berakhir. saya hanya bisa pasrah saja nanti menerima hasilnya -_____________-
tapi aku sih berharap banget bisa keterima disana, SMA favoritku, sekolah idamanku: SMANSA!
okey, 2 steps anymore, UAS dan UJIAN PRAKTEK, we're comiiiiiiiiin'!!!


Kamis, 01 April 2010


halo sobat :) bertemu lagi dengan akyuuu hihi. maaf ya baru sempat posting lagi, maklum habis Ujian Nasional :D
bahas dikit tentang Ujian Nasional. menurutku, soalnya SUSAH! sumpaah! jd buat adek-adekku kelas 8, hati-hati aja. belajar deh dari sekarang kalo bisa. huhu. tp gppa, santai juga boleh :D
aku kebetulan P60, alias paket B. yah gtu deh. hehe :D
dan hari ini, 1 April 2o1o, yang berarti Ujian Nasional telah berakhir!!
hah, tinggal 2 tes lagi, and IT'S DONE!
TPA, UAS, we're coming..


Senin, 15 Maret 2010


huahahaa, i'm such a photographer dadakan :p check this out!



hey all :) meet again with me. posting kali ini aku bakal nyeritain sedikit tentang porjar. tau porjar kan? pekan olahraga pelajar yang diadain satu tahun sekali.
yup. karena aku salah satu jurnalistik crew, aku dpt tugas buat ngeliput salah satu porjar, aku milih (dan sebenarnya memang ditunjuk) buat ngeliput Sepak Bola. hehe, sebenernya ini sengaja loh :D tapi ngeliput sepak bola emang yang paling gampang, asyik, tapi kanggoin dah panes-panesan.
baru dateng, kita (aku, okta, bella, maya, faustine, shanty, dan widya) udah disambut sama kostum anak-anak bola SMPN 1 Denpasar yang warnany cute bgt lagi duduk dipinggir lapangan. syukurnya kita belum telat pas sampe disana ^^ karena masih ada team bola lain yang lagi main, temen-temen bola dduk di pinggir lapangan, gak lama stlh itu pelatihnya, Pak Budiyasa, nyuruh pemanasan, and blablabla. singkat cerita, kita tanding lawan SMP ALAY (SMP PGRI 5 Denpasar) yang sudah pasti sudah terbiasa main layangan (alias panas-panasan) dan berbeda banget sama anak-anak Sepak Bola kita yang relatif mainnya suka indoor gak kayak mereka --" yah tim kita kalah dengan skor 1-5. tapi gak kenapa, tim kita sudah mencoba yang terbaik :) ini ada beberapa foto yang mau aku lampirkan. check this out!

He's the captain :D

Jumat, 12 Maret 2010


arggh. dont u have new idea for ur blog, slut? damn yo!



Hey! Meet again bebiiiii haha. How ar yaa? Fine huh? Okey, dipostingan kali ini aku akan melanjutkan cerita yang terputus sebelumnya. Hehe. Ready to read? Okey, let begin!

Pertemuan kedua. SMPN 3 Denpasar, saat itu ada semacam tes atau lomba Matematika dan IPA (MIPA), semacam yang di Singaraja, tapi yang ini untuk menyaring siswa-siswa yang mampu masuk 5 besar akan langsung masuk SMPN 3 Denpasar tanpa lewat jalur nem (tapi tetep harus lulus UAN). Yupp. Orang pertama yang ngliat dia (nyari-nyariin tepatnya) si MR. AD itu ya aku -,- awalnya, karena tes baru mulai jam 8, rombongan sekolahku jam 7 sudah siap di tempat, SMPN 3 Denpasar. Aku nunggu-nunggu dia dateng, lamaaaa banget. Dan akhirnya sekitar jam setengah 8, barulah rombongan SD Saraswati 5 dateng. OMG! Can I scream now? Haha. Honestly, waktu itu aku jadi salting sendiri. Ckck. Reza sama Dwiyana yang memang kenal sm MR. AD langsung deh dengan (sok) akrabnya meluk MR. AD (heh jangan negative thinking dulu, peluk itu maksudnya ngerangkul hehe). Yup, Karena pas itu ada Kristin (oh gawd, can I not mention this people in this posting? I’m so corny. Yawn) dan dia sudah kenal MR. AD duluan, karena mereka satu tempat les, yah dia sok akrab gitu, padahal MR. AD udah mandang dengan tatapan “eh-siapa-lo-sok-akrab-banget-sih-ih-jijik-gue”nya. Hahahaha LOL tapi gatau ya si Kristin ini emang gatau malu atau tebal muka atau sok gatau, ah don’t care anywaaay. Dan si Kristin ini (waduh kok jd banyakan nyebut nama dia ya? Yaikz) ngenalin aku ke temen-temennya, anak SD 5 Saraswati juga, dia kenal karena satu tempat les. Yup this’s the conversation:

K: “Hey wi, ayok aku kenalin kamu ke seseorang!”

D: “Siapa?”

K: “Udah ikut aja!”

Kristin menarik tanganku ke seseorang -,-

K: “Okta, Mayna, kenalin nih temenku dari SD 6”

O,M: “Oh iya. Heheu” (dengan tampang sedikit kikuk dan heran)

D: “Dewi.” (sambil salaman sama mereka berdua)

K: “ini lo wi pacarnya MR. AD.” (sambil nunjuk pake dagu ke arah Mayna)

D: “Oh” (speechless)

K: “yaudah ya Mayna Okta aku balik dulu, yok wi!”

D: “duluan ya.”

Setelah itu bel tanda masuk, tanda tes bakal dimulai, berbunyi. Yap kita masuk ke kelas masing-masing. Sayang, aku ga seberuntung pas di Singaraja. Aku nggak satu ruangan lagi sama MR. AD :( tapi satu ruangan sama pacarku, Surya Jaya. Aku nyoba tes yang Matematika, karena IPA aku nggak jago hehe. Pas udah selesai, ada penampilan gitu deh band dari SMPN 3 Denpasar, tapi gak menarik --“ aku nyari-nyari MR. AD, tapi gak ketemu :( yaudah karena udah capek, uda selesai jugaan tesnya, aku dijemput sama mama, langsung pulang.

Langsung lanjut ke pertemuan ketiga aja oke? :)

Okey, pertemuan ketiga, TPA (Tes Potensi Akademik) SMPN 1 Denpasar. Baru dateng kesana sudah ketemu saya sama dia haha. Tampangnya udah beda. Brandal. Cuma kata itu yang bisa aku bilang. Padahal awal ketemu itu masih polos. Ckck sudahlah lupakan. Tapi catet! Tetep charming haha :D hyaaaaah, beda ruangan lagi ! :( hehe gppa deh, YANG PENTING AKHIRNYA AKU BISA SATU SKOLAH SAMA DIAAAAA! Haha . yapp. Waktu pengumuman TPA SMPN 1 Denpasar udah keluar, aku masuk ! aku ada diantara 200 murid seBALI yg ikut tes buat sekolah disana. How lucky I am. Haha. And then, aku coba cari namanya MR. AD. Hyah ga tau nama lengkap hehe. Yaudah aku tanya Kristin deh namanya. Publish gak ya namanya? Haha namanya MPWA. 1,2,3,4 nggak ada namanya dia. Oke try try. And SET! Ketemuu! Wowowo! I CAN’T BELIEVE! 43! Whoa 43! Isn’t it great? Aku aja urutan ke 116, dia 43?! What the..?! haha pinter juga dia :) tapi waktu pembagian kelas, kita beda kelas. Aku dapet kelas C, dia kelas D. jadi selama kelas 7 itu, aku berhenti mikirin dia. Karena belum kenal, aku juga sedang dalam hubungan dengan seseorang hahay.

Oke. To be continued…

Tunggu postingan selanjutnya yaaaa :)

*Nama disamarkan



HEY! Ketemu lagi disini sama akuuu :) kali ini aku bakal nyeritain ttg si ganteng APW (aku nulis ini atas tuntutan sang sahabat tercinta – Dwi Octavanny). Sebenernya sih aku dengan senang hati aja ya nulisnya. Wekekek. Karena emg hobiku tuh nulis :D okey. Mulai dari mana ni? Ulang dari awal aja deh :)
First Meet. Second Loves. Third Falls. Bisa dibilang gtu gak ya? Bisa bgt. Pertama ketemu, trs dia tuh cinta kedua (yg bner2 cinta setelah surya. Tp itu dulu, skrg surya? No way!) Third falls? Iyalah, karena aku 3 kali berturut2 jatuh cinta sama dia dan gak pernah kesampean smpe skrg tuh 3kali. Sadis ya -,- okey, sebenarnya sih pertama ketemu, langsung jatuh cinta, tapi ga kenal, terus cinta tak terbalas. Wadooh pedalemne!
First meet, @Hotel Wijaya, Singaraja. Sebenar-benarnya ini ya. Tanpa tipuan, tanpa bohong-bohongan. Wkt pertama kali, pas aku sama temen-temen olimpiade sampe di Hotel, kita liat-liat sekeliling hotel. Nah, pas ada bale-bale gitu, kita diem disana. Bercengkrama gak penting gitu deh. Hehe. Udah lama nih, udah bosen, trs kita pencar nyari kamar masing-masing. Nah, aku-okti-dayu satya, masih pengen jalan-jalan skitar hotel, jadi kita muter k lobi dulu, baru k kamar. Yak, pas otw mau k lobi-kamar, kita papasan sama COWOK GANTENG. Entah siapa namanya, waktu itu aku beneran gatau siapa dia, swear!, nah aku nyuruh si Okti kayak gini “Okt, rekam rekam REKAM!!” dgn scpat kilat si Okti ngmbil hape trs ngarahin kamera hpny k si COWOK GANTENG. Haha memalukan sekali :p yup, pastinya tanpa spengetahuan si COWOK GANTENG. Pas uda smpe kamar masing-masing, kita ngliat lagi itu rekamannya. Trus kita screaming-screaming ga jelas gtu deh blg gini “aw! Ganteng bangeeeeeeeeet!!!” waakakak. Masi inget apa gay a si Okti tuh? Sayangnya uda kehapus rekamannya :( aku inget bgt pkoknya pas itu si COWOK GANTENG pake baju warna PINK. Haha pink is punk that moment. Now? Pink was so LAMEEEE (men only). Okay, back to topic. Wih ganteng gilaks sumpah apa deh. Yatuhaaan, smpe skrg masi kebayang-bayang mukak dia pas ituuu :) teruuuus, pagi-pagi pas baru bangun, aku uda ngeliat dia pake baju seragam lengkap! Uda siap mau berangkat gitu. Yaampun rajin juga ternyata anak itu whihi :’) dia ngetok-ngetok pintu kamar temen-temennya looh. Morning call mungkin ya mksdnya dia? --“ yupsi, itu baru jam 6 pagi. Tolong garis bawahi: AKU AJA BARU BANGUN JAM SEGITU. Pas aku sarapan, rombongan sekolahnya uda mau brgkt. Yak akhirnya aku tau, namanya dia MR. AD, sekolah di SD Saraswati 5. Nah itu baru sekedar tau, belum kenal -,- aku tau namanya dari temenku, Gung Reza, yang anaknya emg gampang bgt punya temen. Continued, waktu sudah sampai di IKIP Singaraja, tempat lomba berlangsung, eh ketemu lagi sama dia pas ngambil nomor peserta. Hihi. Dwiyana sama Gung Reza nanyain ruangannya MR. AD. Dan KEBETULAN BGT, kita satu ruangaaaaan!! (Aku-MR. AD). Wiih jodoh ga kemana deh :) hahaha. Pas dikelas, dy udah duduk manis dibagian belakang, kedua dari terakhir, kedua dari kanan. Dan aku? Aku duduk kedua dari depan, kedua dr kanan. Aku dipisahin 3 kursi sama dia. Aduh ganteng bangeeeeeeet *.* terus, pas aku iseng ngeliat kebangkunya dia, aku liat dy lg ngerjain soal, wiii serius bangeeeet :) jadi tambah ganteng tau gaaaak :D :D yup. Slsai ngerjain soal, aku keluar nyari temen-temen (kebetulan bgt mreka ber-6 ruangannya satu bangunan, dan diantara mereka ya Cuma aku yg beda geduuuuung. Yah sehabis itu, Pembina kami ngajak main ke pameran yang ada disana. Bukan pameran baju gitu, bukaaan. Pameran buku, pameran alat-alat yang mengasah otak yg berkaitan dengan Matematika dan IPA gtu deh. Nah karena aku ngeliat permainan yg mengasyikkan disana, Lompat Kodok, aku lgsg nyamperin standnya gitu :) pas lagi asyik main, eeh taunya ada yg nyerobot ikutan main, ngasal ngereeebut. Niat marah aku urungkan karena liat siapa gerangan yang merebut mainanku tersebut, jengjengjengjeeeeng, ternyataaaa .. MR. AD! WAKAKAKAK. Gajadi deh gue marah padahal kl bkn dia, uda gue tabok deh itu -_- gak tau ni perasaanku doing atau gimana, kok kayaknya dia ngikutin akuuuu mulu :p GR ya gue hehe. Udah ah. Ini baru pertemuan pertama. First meet hehe. Lanjut ya ke chapter berikutnya. Muach muach!
*Nama disamarkan


Selasa, 09 Maret 2010


hey everybody :) meet again. posting ini aku pengen ngeliatin looklet design yang kedua. okey, here it is...

okey this is the second design. haha waktu buat ini bener2 masih kagok pake looklet :D makanya aneh gini.
Item in this look:
Bracelet by Sif Jakobs
Scarf by Burberry
Louis Vuitton heels
Shoulder bag by Jimmy Choo (y) i like it!
Sunglasses by Giorgio Armani
Sweater by Henry Cottons
Skirt by Valerie.

Wait my next design yhaa :)
see you.

Minggu, 07 Maret 2010


HEY EVERYBODYYY! so miss blogging. ohmygawd. udah jarang bgt kykny aku internetan yah? haha.
hey ketemu lagi :) seneng bgt rasanya bisa nulis sesuatu disini. bnyak bgt pengalaman-pengalaman seru yg pengen aku share ke kalian, tapi maaf bgt mungkin lain kali. soalnya ini aja sembunyi-sembunyi onlineny :(
kapan-kapan aku pasti post, teman-teman. oke?
see you next time, buddy.
smoochiieeeessss :*


Kamis, 18 Februari 2010


Do you have sisters/brothers? Are you sure that he/she/they really LOVE you? Has/have she/he/they shout in front of your face?
Yes. I have two sisters. And i dont realized that both of them really love me. It was happened this night. 1o minutes ago. The problem was so freak and a little bit weird. What the heck?! It was happened just bcause i use my internet again bcause this afternoon i've already used it. Funny? Haha of course. my elder sister shout to me that 'dont use it again. And blablabla' i dont really noticed it. Bcause of angry, i'd shout back 'u fuck! Damn you and blablabla.' shout make my throut bcame sick. Oh gawd , it was really hurt me. Really regret it. Ohkay, this post was writen via mobile phone. Poor me rite? Haha. Okey. See ya next time.


finally. tes pemantapan provinsi THE END. setelah ujian tengah semester yang sangat amat menyiksa batin maupun fisik itu, langsung lanjut k PEMANTAPAN PROVINSI. wuah. gila yah. mana tes tengah semesternya ESSAY pula. ckck. double crazy.
ohyah. anyway, kok postingku blm dbls ya? haha ksian bgt dy gda kata2 buat blsny.
oke deh. sgtu aja dulu. byee.

Jumat, 12 Februari 2010


Hallo blogger. Kali ini saya gunakan bahasa Indonesia saja. Oke?
Apakabar semuanya? Aku harap kalian baik2 saja :)
Di postingan ini saya ingin menceritakan sedikit tentang “TEMAN” yang sangat aneh. Saya tidak mengerti apa yang dia tulis di post terakhirnya. Namun saya bisa mengambil kesimpulan, post terakhirnya ditunjukkan untuk saya. Oke, sebenarnya saya benci untuk melakukan ini, namun apa boleh buat. Orang seperti KAMU bakal terus ngelunjak kalo gak ditanganin. Baca nih postingan. Balesan dari postingan terakhirmu. This dedicated SPECIAL for YOU!
Apa masalahmu, CINA? Maaf ya, Tapi saya gak ngerasa pernah nganggu kehidupan kamu tuh. Kenapa sih kamu sewot gtu? I’ve my own life. My own heart. My own love. So buat apa kamu mencak-mencak sendiri kyk gtu? Apa MASALAHMU? Yang bersangkutan aja ga marah kyk kmu. Kalo kamu mau sama dy, MOH ambil dah gue gak pduli! Gak usah blg kalo dy tu mainanku. Salah besar kamu! Kalo dy maenanku aku sudah pasti minta barang-barang mewah k dy! Kalian mau tau apa yang dblg sm dy? Intinya dya tu gak terima kalo aku mutusin mantanku – hey I’ve forgot his name. Everybody knows? – nih biar skalian kamu tau, AKU GAK PERNAH SUKA SAMA DIA! Tbalin, garis bawahi! Gmn mau coba suka sm dy? Bisanya buat ilfil gtu. Trs ak nerima dy krna dipaksa kan? Syapa suruh maksa-maksa gtu? Ckck. Salah kalian juga. Kasian bukan kata yg tepat buat nerima dia. Tapi KASIAN BGT. Jahat emg. Tapi itu kenyataannya. And then, what do u means of ‘MS FAT’ dahling? Am I looking so fat huh? Ngaca dikit! Lo juga ga sempurna kok. Kalo ga suka sama aku, gak usah deh ngomong dblkg kyk gtu. Sini ngomong 4 mata langsung kl berani. If this blog is a twitter, maybe I’ll update my status become “#ReTweetThisIf u hate someone who talk foolishly about u but actually he/she’s don’t know anything”. FAAAAAAK!!
Uda puas bacanya CINA? Intinya aku ga suka kamu sok-sokan gtu jd orang. Neh baca dah. Silahkan adukan ni ke GENG CANTIKmu . wakakakakak. Gak sabar deh pengen baca balesanmu, cantik :) dibales yaaaa..
Maaf ya teman-teman saya marah2 spt ini. Saya ga suka ada org kyk dia di dunia ini.


Rabu, 10 Februari 2010

"My SO BAD Love story"

Hey, meet again w/ me haha. How are you? Fine right? Okey, in this posting, I’ll share about my love story. Don’t read these article if u don’t wanna know about this (yaeyalaah -__-)

1st love: GeYe. when I’m still @ the 3rd grader SD 2 Saraswati. Whoa! Isn’t it too young? LOL. But that’s the fact. It’s just some “monkey love”. But u must know, every boy that I loved, never gonna just for a joke. I’ll loved him based on the deepest of my heart (hyperbolic, yeah?) hahaha. Yes, I know him deeply since we’re still @ the 1st grader. But what happen next? Previously, u must know, I hv best friend, her name is Ikko. Firstly, I don’t know that she also love Gus Yudha like I do. I know that she loves Gus Yudha, when I’m aware from the way she looks at him, the way when Ikko asking Gus Yudha to speak w/ her and also that she’s always search more attention from Gus Yudha. Honestly, I don’t want to love Gus Yudha more deeply, and then I’m trying to stop looked at his face. Haha, but I can’t, u know? Yes, finally Ikko know that I also love Gus Yudha, I don’t know from where she knows, what happen next? Guess what! She’s CRYING! And the unbelievable one is SHE’S PULLING OUT MY HAIR!! What the fuck she doing that freaky thing huh? If u’r in my position, what will u do at that moment? Are you pulling back her hair? I’m NOT! I’m just crying and don’t know what should I do ‘till she let me go, and she calls her brother (maybe. I know it from Vira). From that unforgettable moment, I don’t want to talk to Ikko. I’m angry with her. But she’s my best friend, I forgive her. About 3 months after that, my grandpa ask me to moved to SD 6 Saraswati. I’m soo excited that day (pindah skolah kok demen ya? --“). Yeah, from that day, I’m lost contact w/ my others friends @SD Saraswati 2. But ‘till now still friend with Ikko :)
2nd love: Lohan. When I’m @ the 4th grader SD Saraswati 6. Handsome? I think no. haha. Ordinary, yes he’s. But I love him. Really. From the first time I looked at him, yes actually I do not really know him. 2 years pass and there’s still no hope w/ him. Yeah, till now no one can defeat the time I love someone. He’s the longest. But at last, when I’m on the trip to Jakarta to join a marching band contest (of course I’m one of the players of Pianica’s MBGSS and he’s the bass drummer’s); he started to get more attention from me haha. But what happen next? Surya Jaya. He comes to my live. When he told me that he loves me, yes and I’m too. Though he just come into my live. Since that moment, I realize I’m soo easy to fallin love but too hard to forgetting. And since that, I do not love Gung Nanda anymore. I’m so sorry.
3rd love: Blacky. The fact that in the 2nd love, in the order, I already in a relationship with Surya Jaya. But what? He just gave an empty hope. Ckck so damn that boy! But, killed 1 growing 1. Wkwkwk :p yeah, he’s my bestfriend. Don’t know how or why, I’m soooo balmy when I’m with him. Haha, but this relationship just staying around a week hehe :D
4th love: APWG. No no no. this love fucking so long! I’ll tell u about this at the last. Okey? :)
5th love: Bungkling. He’s damn so “plin-plan”. 3 months after that, he gave me a hope again. U knows that I’m soo easy to fall in love, don’t u? Of course I love him too. Because I have one unforgettable moment w/ him. Wanna know it? Okey, I’ll tell you :) one day, on December 2006, when I’m on tour with my dearest MBGSS (Marching Band Gita Swara Sandhi), on the way to Bali, SJ sit in front of me in the bus. Actually, I’m so disturbed and annoyed with him. Because he’s so naughty (annoyed). Haha, this is the funny think things. I’m so amused with his jokes, his laugh, and his smile. 3 days in the bus makes us come closer. When the last day comes, I’m so disappointed. But ….. When I want to sleep, he holds my hand, like he didn’t want to lose me :D until we arrived at Ketapang, finally he free my arms. Thx god wkwkwk :p but I’m so glad that day. This relationship stays along 1 year 3 months :)
6th love: Nanas. When I’m @ the 2nd JHS grader :) the first time I’ve boyf at the others school hehe. But he’s soo immoral :& this relatship just stay around 2 months. Never mind.
7th love: Atma. When I’m @ the 3rd grader. Who’s this? Haha juskidding. He’s my classmate. Love him? Never, really. Love him just because of be forced w/ my friend. Sooooooo annoying isn’t it? Urgh :@
8th love: #13. My own self don’t know about this relationship. Because maybe I love him. But I’m not sure :) just trying to love him. Hope I can! :) But finally, I’m really falling in love w/ him. But what? He just gave me an empty hope and fake love. Thanks!
9th love, I HOPE THIS’S THE LAST :): APWG, again. This love began when we’re still young. No no, I love him, but don’t know with him :) poor me. @the 6th grader elementary school, the first time I saw him, when we’re both in the same hotel to join some competition of Mathematics and IPA @Singaraja. I just remember that day; he was wearing his PINK shirt. So handsome :) fall in love at the first sight right? Hehe. I remember when I’m playing ‘jump frog’ at the exhibition, he comes and seize my game :) urgh ! so annoyed, but when I know that he’s who seize my game, actually I’ll angry, but I can’t wkwk LOL. And when the time to go to each class, I’m one class with him. OMG! So coincidence. Hahahaa ROTFL. Since that, I love him, xoxo :) I meet him again when I’m on the test @SMPN 3 Denpasar. He’s so handsome that day! When he was wearing his uniform. Hihi can’t stop smiling reading this sentence :D true love never be separate :) I meet him again when we’re both in the test of potency academic @SMPN 1 Denpasar. He looks so handsome of course :D hehe. Finally, when the announcement of acceptance of the test of potency academic, I saw his name in the 43th’s sequence. Wow. I can’t believe that his sequence is above me. Wowow, he’s certainly so smart, isn’t he? Poorly, I’ve got in 116th’s sequence :p but, he got D class, and I’m C class. Different :( at the 7th grader, we’re break, because we’re don’t know each other :D one year past, when we’re at the 8th grader , our class just separated with wall, ohyeeh. This year, I think I’m so lucky, because in this gud gud gud year, we’ve knowed each other :) how the way? Ehheem, when we were in 8th grade. I just feel like I like his friends, his names is ATP. This is so funny. The story, I knew him from my friends, my classmate, and his elementary school’s classmate hehe, her name is OKTA. Thx a lot to you dahling :)) firstly this freaky idea was begin with me. This is just a FAD. Wakakak. One day, okta told to APWG my phone number. Then, he calls me. This’s the conversation:
A: “Halo?”
D: “Yeah? Siapa ya?”
A: “Masa gak kenal? Sombong skali kamu ya.”
D: “Siapa sih? To the point aja deh. Aku gatau.”
A: “Ade ni. Save ya. Hehe.”
D: “Oh Ade? Tau darimana nomku?”
A: “Iya, Okta yang kasi tau. Jadi sama ATP?”
D: “Haha. Jadiii !”
A: “Okeoke. Comblangin aku jg ya? Sama adekkmu, Jelita.”
D: “Yakin? Wakakak. Iyaya, gampang tuh.”
Dan percakapan ini berlangsung selama kurang lebih satu jam.
That day, he was in a course of English at British 5 International. Naughty boy, isn’t he? He ought to listened to his teacher when the course’s time. But what? Haha. The teacher can’t stop him. So the teacher just let he did whatever he want to do :)) and then, after we On the Phone, he just sent me an SMS, its mentions “ntar abis makan telf lagi.” ohya, almost forget. In the 8th grader, we have an ICT duty, that is to make ur own blogger. And APWG asked me to make it because HE CAN NOT MAKE IT BY HIS OWN SELF. Spoiled or annoyed? I think both of them -,- then I forced to make it to him. But that’s not a big problem :p cuz by its tasks I just feel come closer with APWG :) everyday he usually send me a message or call me while he was not too busy (FYI, he’s a guitarist in Ganecha Band, his Elementary School band. But it’s already well-known loooh). One time, when he calls me, he ought to following his course at GO. But he was “BOLOS”ing with his friends. Then he calls me. This is the conversation:
A: “Halo? Lagi apa?”
D: “Lagi diem aja. Lagi dimana dirimu?”
A: “Depan GOR. Bolos les. Hehe.”
D: “Yaa ampun. Pemalas!”
A: “Biarin. Ohya kemaren aku uda nnya k ATP, katanya dia ga mau sm kamu.”
D: “Oh masa? Emg km blg apa?”
A: “Aku blg gni: eh An, ada yang suka sama km nmnya Dewi, mau km sama dy? Gtu..”
D: “ckck. Yaya gppa dah. Jelita juga gak mau tuh sm kamu.”
A: “Oh gtu? Yaudah biarin dah. Hehe”
D: “Yaudah makasi ya uda mau bantu.”
A: “Iya sama-sama.”
…. Krik krik krik
A: “Ngomong naa..”
D: “Ngomong apa men?”
A: “Yaa apa je. Uda makan? Aku lagi makan ni. Mau ta suapin?”
D: “Ha? Udah kok udah. Gausah.”
A: “A a a a a (nada nyuapin gitu. Bisa ngebayangin?)”
D: “Haha.”
(suara motor lewat. Rame banget)
D: “Apa tuh? Kok rame?”
A: “Orang konvoi. Bentar lagi selesai. Sabar sabar. Ribut ya?”
D: “Iyalaah.”
A: “Bntar ya, aku makan dlu. Ni ngomong sm tmnku aj dulu.”
Dan ternyata yg berbicara adalaah…
Ade: “We wik, masi inget aku?”
D: “Siapa ni? Ade spentri ya?”
Ade: “Kok tau? Haha iya aku ni.”
D: “suaramu khas. Wakakak.”
Ade: “We wik, mau kamu sama ade ? mumpung dia lagi jomblo tuh. Hehe.”
D: “Aku sih mau aja ya, tp gak tau dianya tuh…” (blm slsai ngomong suara disebrang sana sudah berbeda)
A: “Ngom apa td? Hayooo.”
D: “siapa niii?”
A: “Ade ni. Ade 8d.”
D: (waduh) “Hoho, ada deeh. Week.”
Dan terus berlanjut. Panjang bgt, blogga! Ahe
Actually and honestly, if we’re on the phone really not watch time, tau. Haha. So miss this moment… not just twice we’re on the phone, but almost every day. One day, I forgot the day was. He brought his guitar to my class and singing “Aan, aan. Arya Triandana Putra.. Aan.. Aan.. Arya Triandana Putraaaaaaa..” (with “Hijrah ke London’s” melody). Haha his voice was very bad. But the way he plays guitar was very WELL :) I love it!! Ohya, almost forget. When I’m break w/ nanas, I’m crying at class. Then, okta called APWG to come to my class. He tells me that, “Gak usah nangis. Ayolah. Cowo tuh gak cuma dia. Jangan nangis. Jelek jdnya kamu ntar. Senyum senyum! Masih ada aku..” He was very care w/ me. Give a big hope. But what? I’ve a boyf. His name is Nanas (like I told u above). The time that I like ATP that I’m break with Nanas. But, 2 months after that, he comes back to me and forced me to be his girlf anymore. Yeahs, I can’t do nothing right? I just feel perforce to do this. Poor APWG just can see and feel the truth. Am I such a cruel lady right? So sorry for u, my APWG. Not long after that, APWG knew about this news from okta. Huff. Okta told me that when she told the news to APWG, his face changed :( this is not my desire… a week after he forced me to come back to him, he LEFT ME !! when I’ll back to APWG, he was disappear. He kept a distance from me. Until around 4 months, I never knew his information. Isn’t it a long time, gurls ? our love is like a song lhoo.. Like this:
“…Did you forget everything we ever had?
Did you forget, did you forget about me?
Did you regret ever standing by my side?
Did you forget we were feeling inside?
Now I’m left to forget about us.
But somewhere we went wrong
We were once so strong
Our love is like a song, you can’t forget it.”
- Don’t Forget –
Demi Lovato
Beside it:
“…I wanna get back to the old days
When the phone would ring
And I knew it was you
I wanna talk back
And get yelled at
Fight for nothing, like we used to”
- Get Back –
Demi Lovato
Until 15th April 2009, his Born Day. I give his some small gift. But, you know I’m such a silly lady, I’m shy to give it to him. Actually and honestly, the previous day I’ve already make some practice the way to give a gift for him. Wakakakak. Silly, aren’t I? yeah, finally, his friend, Helda and Endos, helps me to called ade to come out from class. He go out and my heart beats faster than before. Endos asks me and ade to shake hand. When my hands meet his, I feel his hand so cold. LOL. At break time, APWG and his friends come out from class. Some of his friends (I thinks he’s Adist’s boyf) brought a guitar. And they began to song, “Ade dan Dewi, menjalin cinta, cinta bersemi dari SMP. Ade dan Dewi mengikat janji, janji setia, setia abadi. Oooh Ade… Oooh Dewi… Cintamu abadi… wahai Ade duhai Dewi, tiada petaka merenggut kasihmu…” NORAK, isn’t it? Wakakakak. But I was happy and shock, actually. From that day, he was changed. But not closer than before. He still keep his image in front of me. BUT, there’s always an ending in the story. His friends introduce his sister to APWG. And APWG felt so lonely because he was 1 year not have a girlf beside him. So, not long after that, they listed in facebook as “In A Relationship”. I can’t tell u the name of his girlf (now she’s already EX haha) because it’s sooo HARMFUL. I know he already had a girlf, then why he comes back to me anymore huh? I don’t understand. Do u know? I usually (not every day like before sih) received a message from APWG, just ‘Basa Basi’. But it means the same. Hey, he has asks me to be his ‘second girlf’. Ckck. So crazy. Until he breaks with her, I almost w/ APWG. But, I just have a boyf. So sorry :( KENAPA SIH WAKTUNYA GAK PAS BGT???!! Ergh, but I still keep contact with him. Until not long after that, he has a girlf too. IKKO. My ex bf. Ckck. The world so tight, isn’t it ? but we still contact each other yha APWG :) one day, he wants to borrow my money to repair his motorcycle. Actually, I want to give it while at school. But he was disappearing that day. Then, I asks him to find me at GO. Because I’ve a schedule for have a course that day. It was Saturday. Shorten story, 9th December 2009, my school had a program, such as study tour to Jakarta or Bali. I choose Jakarta, because APWG too. Hehe. We’re one bus you know!! Wakakakak soo coincidence. When the bus ready to go to airport, my luggage can’t place at baggage in the bus, so I brought it to my seat. Then, when APWG come in the bus, and he wants to pass, my luggage stops him. Then he shouts (really. He was shouting -,-)
A: “Taruh je kopermu di bagasi? Jek ngandang kali lho.”
D: “Kele gak bisa aku naruh disana. Gak muat.”
A: “Weiss, santé naa.”
D: “Iyaya santé..”
Haha, ternyata bagasinya masih muat! MALUUU! Then, at airport (precisely at the plane), I was make some disturb (AGAIN) with APWG.
D: “Pokoknya aku yang dduk sama Ina!”
A: “Kele, gak bisa santé baju kuning nih nok!”
Akhirnya dia yg ngalah :D I’m the winner. But, ujung2nya tetep aja jhe aku dduk di seatku paling blkg -,-
Shorten story (again), Yogyakarta, 12nd December 2009, APWG’s friend was asking my phone number to my friend, Bella via Yahoo! Messenger. Then I ask “what for”, he told that “APWG asks”. Wow, he already knew my phone number. Apa sih loo, de? -,- then, at the time, he send me a message like this:
“Wew, ade ne” reply “Iyaa tau trus?”
“Ke malioboro kamu?” reply “Iya, knapa ade?”
“aku nitip daster dong. Buat mama + nenekku” reply “Ha? Daster apaan?”
“daster buat ibuk2. Tau?” reply “tau sih, tp emg ada?”
“ada pasti. Ayolah bantuin ya wi. Beliin 5 aja.” Reply “duit?”
“ya nanti aku kembaliin, oke? 5 aja. Palingan harganya 10-20 ribu. Dmit x km ya.” Reply “Oke kl gda gppa ya? Ngap aku qe suru?”
“pasti ada kok. Ayolah wi. Swt! Emg gbole ya aku mnta tlg k km? sok sx.” Reply “hehe gak sih, Cuma kok tiba2 gtu. Hehe”
“hehe yaudah, nanti awas blk2 km gabawa dster ya :p” reply “emg kalo ga bawa mau diapain aku?”
Dan seterusnya…
For him, I volunteer my money and spend it to buy a batik dress for his mom and grandma. Actually, I really want to buy bangles there. Aaa so many cute bangles there :(( no problem. Whatever for him, I’ll give everything (except my soul). The day after, in the bus, he asks me where the dress is. And I told it’s already in my bag. So he comes near me, and I give the dress. He gives me 70.000 rupiah. Haha. The real price was 60.000. the fare of walking and looking for a good dress. Lumayaaan :) then he sent me a message:
“Mana lg spulu ribu? Curang kamu yah” reply “ye? Kn km ngasi 70 td? Ongkos jalan de ^^”
“haha nah nah wi ^^” reply “i? pang ade gen ade ne puk…”
“sok qe skrg y? bru punya co aja. Swt!” reply “jiaaah, hhaha santé santé de :) :) :) (tuh udh bnyk smileyny ga sok kok aku ^^)
“ttep aj sok!” reply “walaaa.. gmn men yg ga sok de?”
“1. Sring* sms ak. :)” reply “satu aja? Awkawk iyayayaa :)”
“haha maunya brp atuh teh?” reply “ya trsrh aak ade ajalah. Kn aak ade yg blg aye sok atuh huahaa :D”
“iya atuh teteh. teh, sarung yg kmaren masi ada atuh? aye kdinginan teh :(” reply “sarung pala lu peyang. it mah syal namanya aak.. haha :D masih nih aye lg pakek. mau pnjem lg ak? aak kmrn blg ga mau pke lagi sih..”
“mau atuh teh. ntar maleman yya? malu am tmen* , rame” reply “idih aak sok deh ih. malu gara2 mnjm sm aye yh ak?”
“iya. emg teteh nda malu apah?” reply “santay ajalah ak haha :D aak dduk sm sypa itu?”
“sma asti atuh teh. maunya aak dduk am tteh , hhe :)” reply “jiaah aak wkwk ga malu atuh sm tmn2 yg laen? nnti dkira ada ap2ny haha ^^”
“hahahaha . iya , it dah malu tau . aak malu mnjem sarungnya teteh :(” reply “haha aye suru bella ksi aak aj ya? ksian iih aak kdinginan gtu. acnya jgn dbka smua dong aak. dttup aj kl dingin ^^”
“jangan ! teteh dong yg ngasi. hhi, ayolah teh.” reply “lho? ktny aak malu atuh? adu aye jd bngung sm aak”
“iye sih. ntr mlm aj ngasinye y teh? tp tteh naa yg ngsi k aak. okeh?” reply “oke. aak g tdr atuh? bysny aak bbo jm sgni. lm bgt malah kl aak udh bbo. wkwkwk”
“kgak atuh , mau smsn am tteh . lho ? kok tau kalo aak srng bbo jm sgni ? trus lama* lgi ? hayo – ternyta tteh merhatiin aak yy ? :)” reply “iya atuh, aak kn wkt nih bbo kyk org pingsan. ahha bknny mrhtiin ak, cm g sngj mrhtiin ^^ aak uda mam tdi?”
“blg aj mrhtiin atuh . jjur aj am aak :) gppa atuh . uda tp Cuma mam 3ptong ayam aj , haha , tteh uda mam tdi?” reply “haha iy deh aak ^^ ngalah. wala banyak bgt tuh mamnya. tteh jga uda kok aak. ohya aak gmn kbrny m ikko? masi?”
“masi atuh. hehe mama pa aj td teh? dkt namanya tu tteh . masi kurus ni :( tteh gmn am org d blkg tu ? masa 1bus smsn sh?wkwkwk” reply “mam stu ptong ayam, nasi dkit bgt, sm supny td aak. ikko tuh tmn sd tteh lo ak :) rama? msh atuh aak. iy nih gppa ak tteh gda krjaan nh :D”
“tteh sd2 ap sd6 atuh? ko dkt* mamny? tengal x msa smsn 1 bus , pcran lgi” (SOO? SWT!) reply “gni lho aak, tteh dlu kls 1-3 d sd2, 3-6 d sd6 gtu aak :) aduh tteh krg ngrti kalimat terakhir, jelasiiiin”
“owh gni lho tteh. masa 1 bus am rama g pnah ngom , cm smsn aj . cemen ah - :p” reply “sapa blg tteh smsn m rama? idih aak sok teu bgt iih. ahah tteh ga smsn kok m dy.”
“oh aak kra smsn :p malu deh aak :( hhi ko g pnah aak lyat ngom am rama?” reply “ahha bysain aj atuh aak sm tteh jgaan. prnh ko pas aak lg g lyat aj mgkn tteh ngom am dy :D ohya aak gnti bju td yah? basah bjunya?”
“iya atuh tteh . basah gara* bbo d bus tdi . panaaaas – enakan mke bju bginian , hangat . tp aak Cuma pke boxer aj ni . hhi .” reply “awkawk resem deh . pantesan kdinginan tu aak. aak lg smsn am ikko?”
“engga am tteh aj. tteh smsn am syapa aja?” reply “am aak aj . aak bnrn g ngntuk itu?”
“gtau juga. tteh uda ngntuk ya?” reply “ye gmn atuh aak ni. tteh bbo deh kl aak jga bbo.”
“bbo bareng aj ya teh? hhi” reply “oke deh ntaran lnjut lagi ya? tteh ngntk ni. dada aak :)” reply “dadaaah tteh.”
then he saw me that I can’t sleep , so he sent me a message:
“bbo naa tteh.” reply “RIBUT. mana bs bbo”
“sni bbo sblany aak. hihi.” continued..
so long, males ngetiknya. intinya, we’re like flirting each other yeah ? wkakakak. at that day, one day along we’re SMSAN. pas di resto, kan mandi tuh, kita pisah . pas pisah dy sms dah “dimana awi?” hihi ^^ aha! When he borrowed my cloak, he usually uses it. gak pernah lepas dari tangan :)) he hugs it, and maybe he kisses it, because he told me that “syalnya awi harum :)”. shorten story, we still smsan. until 23th December 2009, he asks for some ‘date’ maybe? I assumed that’s a date :) I just fell in love with him. and I think I can’t stop loving him. deep. my love for him is deep. actually so many story that I’ll tell to u. but this posting was so long, isn’t it? especially the last. haha.
oke, from all the story above, in ur opinion, which ones is the SWEETEST ? I need ur opinion :)


Senin, 08 Februari 2010


this was happened yesterday. so many great things happened. Ms R and Mr K was watched out us. grr. Mr K very joy, different w/ Ms R. damn so annoying. btw, icha seized that she was brought her handphone on her pocket. yeah, poor icha :( and yudi was too. he seized that he was brought some 'kerpekan'. poor them. and I, honestly i brought both of them too, safe from her eagle eyes. hehe. Thx God :)
oke, just it i can post. see yaa blogga :*


Minggu, 07 Februari 2010


yihaaaaaaa! 2morrow i'll pass a middle test. it's essay u know. damn so crazieeeeeeeer \m/
and i'm not ready yet for it :( oh my GOD. help me puhleaaaaase..


Sabtu, 06 Februari 2010


MAMA she's the best. mama itu orangnya memang cerewet, tapi apa yang dibilang beliau selalu benar. jadi aku gak brani ngelawan. mama, beliau orang yang sabar. mama, beliau sangat baik. baik dalam segala hal. mau berkorban yang terbaik buat kita, mama segalanya. mama, awi sayang mama :) cinta itu gak cuma buat pacar. pacar itu yang terakhir, orang terakhir dalam daftar orang-orang penting dalam kehidupan aku. MAMA, family first :)